Wednesday, April 11, 2007

Flaxmeal?By: Bruce Maul , Posted On: 2007-04-10
I better take a moment to discuss the ultimate question for our oatmeal-loving fans: “How do I eat my flax seed with my oatmeal?” I guess some things in life are just assumed. For instance, I just assume that everyone puts their t-shirts on head first and than their arms. Don’t you? How about setting one’s alarm clock? It’s only natural to set your alarm clock a few minutes fast so when you actually get up it’s not as late as it seems. Everyone does that, right? And we all know that the early bird gets the worm (except when the night owl stays up late enough to eat the worm before the early bird gets up). Hmm, I guess not everything is assumed. I also assumed that everyone knew the best way to eat flax seed with oatmeal, at least the best way nutritionally one should eat their flax seed with their oatmeal.There are two things to keep in mind about flax seed. First, omega 3, one of the main nutrients in flax seed, is sensitive to heat. It doesn’t take much to burn the omega 3 out of the flax seed. Second, our bodies are not designed to consume seeds. We can eat seeds, but we can’t fully digest most seeds. Unfortunately, flax seeds are one of those seeds that we can’t digest and therefore we lose the omega 3 if we eat the seeds whole. With these two concepts in mind, let’s take a look at the best way to eat our flax seed with our oatmeal.The best way to eat flax seed with oatmeal is to grind the flax seed and place it on the oatmeal after the oatmeal has been cooked. By grinding the seed you make it possible to digest the seed and to allow your body to soak up those valuable nutrients into your bloodstream. By placing it on the oatmeal after it’s cooked the omega 3 is still well preserved in the seed and awaiting your body to absorb it.If, however, you do not want the nutritional benefits of the flax seed and only want the nutty flavor and the crunchy texture, than by all means sprinkle the seeds onto your bowl of oatmeal. And if you are only aiming to get the fiber and don’t care if you get the omega 3 than cook the ground flax seed with the oatmeal. By cooking the ground flax seed you will bring out more of the sweet, nutty flavor to savor with your oatmeal.

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